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General Public: $64

Museum Member: $54

34 and under: $33

Bourgie Hall presents

Ensemble Caprice

Complete Cantatas of J.S. Bach - Year 8

We come to the end of a musical journey begun more than 8 years ago. This long, soulful voyage has provided us with the opportunity to hear more than 200 works encompassing an extraordinary diversity of expression and feeling. Together and individually, Bach’s sacred cantatas constitute a tremendous sonic and spiritual universe.

This concert is available as part of a subscription, allowing you to save up to 40% on all concerts in the Complete Cantatas of J.S. Bach series.
Discover the subscription

General Public: $64

Museum Member: $54

34 and under: $33

Sunday January 29, 2023 at 02:30 pm


Matthias Maute, conductor
Hélène Brunet, soprano
Nicholas Burns, countertenor
Nils Brown, tenor
Clayton Kennedy, baritone


Erschallet, ihr Lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten!
[Resound, you songs, resonate, you strings!], BWV 172
Jesus schläft, was soll ich hoffen?
[Jesus sleeps, what hope do I have?], BWV 81
Dem Gerechten muß das Licht immer wieder aufgehen [For the righteous the light must dawn over and over], BWV 195
Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir
[Lord God, we all praise you], BWV 130

The audience will be invited to sing the final chorale from the last cantata, BWV 130.


Bourgie Hall

Claire and Marc Bourgie Pavilion

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1339 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 2C6

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