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General Public: $44

Museum Member: $38

34 and under: $23

Bourgie Hall presents

Ensemble Diabolus in Musica - A New Springtime of the World

Vocal Recital

This French ensemble will showcase troubadour songs and polyphonies from Aquitaine in the 12th century, a pivotal period in history which, in the words of Georges Duby, was “the world’s new springtime.” Embark on a veritable journey through time!

Les Reverdies

Part of the Reverdies Montréal Medieval Music Days

General Public: $44

Museum Member: $38

34 and under: $23

Sunday October 23, 2022 at 02:30 pm


Nicolas Sansarlat, bowed vielle and conductor
Raphaël Boulay, tenor
Françoise Johannel, harp
Emmanuel Vistorky, bass-baritone
Philippe Roche, bass


Aquitaine versus (anonymous manuscripts from Saint-Martial de Limoges) and troubadour songs (Bernard de Ventadour, Gaucelm Faidit, Guiraut de Borneil, Jaufré Rudel, and Marcabru).

The Diabolus in Musica Ensemble is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Communication (DRAC Centre-Val de Loire), by the Région Centre-Val de Loire, by the Conseil Départemental d'Indre-et-Loire and by the city of Tours in France.

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