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General Public: $10

Museum Members: FREE

34 or under: FREE

Bourgie Hall presents

Master class - La Fonte Musica

Baroque and Early Music

The members of La Fonte Musica offer their expertise and coach advanced students in a performance master class open to the public.

Seize this wonderful opportunity to observe high-level music training at work, and approach the Renaissance repertoire from a different angle, guided by the founder of the ensemble La Fonte Musica.

Tickets are for the master class only. Participants will be selected by Bourgie Hall.

The class will be presented in English.

In collaboration with Reverdies Montréal and the Italian Cultural Institute of Montreal

General Public: $10

Museum Members: FREE

34 or under: FREE

Monday October 21, 2024 at 11:00 am


Michele Pasotti, lute and director
Francesca Cassinari, soprano
Alena Dantcheva, soprano
Gianluca Ferrarini, tenor
Massimo Altieri, tenor
Efix Puleo, viola da braccio
Teodoro Baù, viola da gamba

MMFA's Bourgie Hall Tiffany stained glass windows
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