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Rate: $15

Bourgie Hall presents

Oktoecho Ensemble: Saimaniq - Online

Concerts in conjunction with the exhibitions

A concert featuring the art of katajjaq, or Inuit throat singing, evoking the wide-open space of natures, paying tribute to the beauty and richness of Inuit art.

With large screen projections, in connection with Riopelle, the Call of the Northern Lights and Indigenous Culture

Dates: April 7 at 7.30 p.m. and available online until April 21, 11 p.m.

Ticket price: $15 - To purchase tickets, click here

Questions about online concerts and how they work? Learn more

This performance is made possible thanks to the Government of Quebec's Plan de relance économique du milieu culturel

Rate: $15

April 7 – April 21, 2021


Katia Makdissi-Warren, conductor, oud
Nina Segalowitz, Inuit throat singing
Lydia Etok, Inuit throat singing
Hélène Martel, jazz voice, experimental throat singing 
Michel Dubeau, flutes
Carla Antoun, cello
Bertil Schulrabe, percussion
Eryk Warren, electronics
Emmanuel Béhier-Migeon, video projections




Bourgie Hall

Claire and Marc Bourgie Pavilion

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1339 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 2C6

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