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General Public: $46

Museum members: $39

34 and under: $23

Bourgie Hall presents

Fables and Legends - Opera of Today

Contemporary Music

This concert is an invitation to discover three original contemporary creations by women composers and librettists, winners of the MMP3F 2022 competition. Performed by outstanding vocal and instrumental artists, these chamber operas highlight some of modern society's greatest contradictions.

Je suis la fille de la fille sets to music the poetry of Franco-Lebanese author Emné Nasereddine, winner of the Prix Émile-Nelligan, weaving an unexpected connection between three generations of women who were previously separated by all aspects of life. The Gray sisters then present an absurdist dark comedy, Raccoon Opera, featuring one particularly charismatic raccoon and set against the backdrop of the housing crisis. Finally, the opera Nanatasis brings to life three traditional Abenaki legends in a dreamlike setting, reinterpreted by renowned storyteller Nicole O'Bomsawin with music by composer Alejandra Odgers.

A pre-concert chat with the artists will take place at 6:30 p.m.

Click here to buy tickets

In collaboration with Musique 3 Femmes, Le Vivier and Sixtrum

General Public: $46

Museum members: $39

34 and under: $23

Thursday May 30, 2024 at 07:30 pm


Christopher Gaudreault, conductor
Nicole O'Bomsawin, storyteller
Andréanne Brisson Paquin, soprano
Ellen Wieser, soprano
Rebecca Gray, soprano
Odéi Bilodeau, soprano
Élise Boucher DeGonzague, mezzo-soprano
Mishael Eusebio, tenor
William Kraushaar, bass
Andrew Gaboury, puppeteer


Analía LLUGDAR and Emné NASEREDDINE Je suis fille de la fille
Rebecca GRAY and Rachel GRAY Raccoon Opera

Alejandra ODGERS and Nicole O'BOMSAWIN Nanatasis - Opéra en trois légendes


Bourgie Hall

Claire and Marc Bourgie Pavilion

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1339 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 2C6

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