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General Public: $36

Museum Members: $31

34 or under: $18

Musical canvas

General public: $45

Museum Members: $31

34 or under: $30

Bourgie Hall presents

The Women Who Leave

Concerts in conjunction with the exhibitions

Operatic rising star Rose Naggar-Tremblay gives a program exploring the peregrinations of women. Inspired by Marisol’s life and artistic practice, this recital will culminate in the world premiere of a song cycle composed by Luna Pearl Woolf,on poems written by the singer herself in collaboration with participants in an art therapy workshop series at the MMFA.

In connection with the exhibition Marisol: A Retrospective

In collaboration with the MMFA’s Learning and Community Engagement Division

Musical Canvas
5 p.m.: talk and welcome drink
6 p.m.: guided tour of the exhibition
7:30 p.m.: concert

Please note that the Bourgie Hall bar will be open one hour before the concert begins.

General Public: $36

Museum Members: $31

34 or under: $18

Musical canvas

General public: $45

Museum Members: $31

34 or under: $30

Wednesday December 13, 2023 at 07:30 pm


Rose Naggar-Tremblay, contralto
Julien LeBlanc, piano 
Chantal Lambert, actor


BRAHMS Immer Leiser wird mein Schlummer [My slumber grows more and more gentle] (excerpts from Five Lieder, Op. 105)
SCHUBERT Gretchen am Spinnrade [Gretchen at the spinning wheel], D. 118
R. SCHUMANN Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt [Only those who know longing] (excerpt from Lieder und Gesänge aus Wilhelm Meister [Songs and Chants from Wilhelm Meister]), Op. 98a)
FAURÉ Les berceaux, Op. 23, No. 1
BOSMANS La chanson des marins hâlés
Poème de lamour et de la mer, Op. 19
    La Fleur des eaux
    La Mort de lamour
Luna PEARL WOOLF Mar y Sol [Sea and Sun] (world premiere)
G. MAHLERIch bin der Welt abhanden gekommen [I am lost to the world] (excerpt from Rückert-Lieder)
A. MAHLER Die Stille Stadt [The quiet city] (excerpt from Fünf Lieder)


Bourgie Hall

Claire and Marc Bourgie Pavilion

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1339 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 2C6

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