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General Public: $66

Museum Members: $56

34 or under: $33

Bourgie Hall presents

Ligeti Festival - Concert 3

Ligeti Festival

Peerless new music performer Pierre-Laurent Aimard presents a recital exploring the ways in which György Ligeti broke new ground with his Musica ricercata and Études, which, nevertheless, remain connected with the tradition of his musical forebears.

Enjoy a 30% discount on the combined purchase of tickets to all 4 events presented during the Ligeti Festival. Discover the offer

This concert is sponsored by Alfid Services Immobiliers Ltée.

General Public: $66

Museum Members: $56

34 or under: $33

Sunday November 5, 2023 at 06:00 pm


Pierre-Laurent Aimard, piano


BEETHOVEN Bagatelles
CHOPIN Three Etudes
DEBUSSY Three Etudes
Musica ricercata
Six Etudes

Bourgie Hall

Claire and Marc Bourgie Pavilion

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
1339 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 2C6

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