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Published on September 16, 2024

New Chairs Will Head Up Two of the MMFA's Philanthropic Circles

De gauche à droite : Julia Qiwen Zhu (Photo : Frédéric Faddoul), William Mercer (Photo : Matthew Goldsmith) et Clément Roy

The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Foundation (MMFA) is very pleased to announce that Julia Qiwen Zhu will take over as Chair of its Angel Circle, while William Mercer and Clément Roy will be Co-Chairs of the Young Philanthropists’ Circle (YPC). Julia Zhu succeeds Lam Jutras, who has headed the Angel Circle since 2021, while Clément Roy and William Mercer will share the duties previously held by Philippe Archambault. The entire Foundation team conveys its sincerest thanks to the outgoing chairs for their dedication and generosity.

Julia Qiwen Zhu

One of the MMFA’s seven patron communities, the Angel Circle has a mission to help families access the Museum. Last year, the support of this community of patrons allowed the Museum to welcome over 23,000 visitors to free family activities, such as its creative workshops.

Its new Chair, Julia Qiwen Zhu, is a graduate of Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business and works as the Chief Financial Officer at the National Film Board (NFB). She has over 15 years of experience in performance planning, operational and business strategy, and digital transformation. Before joining the NFB, Julia served as VP Finance at CM Labs Simulations, a Montreal-based simulator and software development company.

Julia has always had an unfaltering passion for art and culture, and this deep love has guided her throughout her life. Becoming a volunteer at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts was therefore a natural decision for her. A firm believer that art should not be a resource enjoyed by only a privileged few but open to people of all ages, backgrounds and socio-economic status, she sees the Angel Circle as a chance to not only broaden her impact but also connect in a strong way with a community of passionate and dedicated individuals.

“I am very proud and grateful to take on the role of Chair of the MMFA Foundation’s Angel Circle,” she said. “As a committee member for many years, I am amazed by the team’s dedication and passion and by this exceptional community of philanthropists. This mission to support world-class programming and make art accessible to as many people as possible is very important to me. I am starting this incredible adventure with a steadfast commitment.”

William Mercer and Clément Roy

Both of the YPC’s new co-chairs are passionate about art, philanthropy and community engagement. An associate with the law firm Bertschi Orth LLP, William Mercer has been involved with the YPC for four years and has focused on improving the donor experience and promoting diverse community engagement. Previously, he served as ambassador for the Opéra de Montréal, where he encouraged young people to get involved. With his husband he also co-founded ConnectArt, a non-profit organization that supports emerging artists. In the coming year, William will work on the Museum’s important mission of supporting contemporary art and strengthening diversity and inclusion to better represent Montreal’s dynamic community, both inside and outside the Museum’s walls.

Clément Roy has been involved with the YPC for three years. Initially a member, he became Vice-Chair of the committee in 2023 before taking on the role of Co-Chair. Passionate about technology, communication and community development, he is the founder and CEO of Nucléus Stratégie, where he plays a key role in digital business transformation and applies his knowledge to help his customers grow in a world of perpetual technological change. With the conviction that culture plays a central role in community development and growth, he also uses his expertise to promote the YPC among young philanthropists in Montreal.

“We are proud to begin our term as Co-Chairs of the MMFA Foundation’s YPC. With a clear mission to support contemporary art and showcase current artists at the Museum, this community of art lovers and philanthropists never ceases to impress us with its energy and generosity. Together, we aspire to strengthen our impact and inject new momentum into the YPC community,” said Clément Roy and William Mercer.

The YPC is a group of young art enthusiasts under the age of forty who want to get started in philanthropy. The Circle is a springboard to the MMFA’s other philanthropic circles and allows donors to join a community that shares their passion. Support from the YPC recently helped the Museum acquire works for its permanent collection by such artists as Jannick Deslauriers, Adam Basanta and Claudie Gagnon.

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