TEDxMontréalSalon at the MMFA on February 18

Montreal is often defined by its cultural diversity. But what does cultural diversity mean for us? On February 18, we invite you to ponder diversity in its true meaning. The TEDxMontréalSalon at MMFA will showcase three speakers whose ideas and stories look deeper into what differentiates us so that we can find the similarities that make us human.
Introduction by Nathalie Bondil, Director General and Chief Curator of the MMFA.
Maya Cousineau Mollen is a poet from the Innu Nation who was adopted by a Quebec family. Maya reconciles her two cultures by expressing this duality in her poetry and through her role as a community development advisor for EVOQ Architecture.
Chantal Ringuet is a Canadian scholar and award-winning author and literary translator who is particularly interested in Yiddish literature and culture. As her work involves appropriating a cultural memory that is not her own, Chantal strives to incorporate the structures of Jewish culture into her intellectual approach.
Eddy Firmin is an artist of Caribbean descent who has a PhD in artistic studies and practices from UQAM. Through his art, he explores his rich heritage to combine elements that aim to restore an imagination broken by colonization.
Diversity: The Golden Thread of Unity
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: 1380 Sherbrooke Street West
Doors open: 5:30 p.m.
Lectures (in French): 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Cost: $25 to $85* (plus fees and taxes). Tickets.
*MMFA members receive a 20% discount
Acknowledgements: Conseil des arts de Montréal