Framing Conservation

The wood assemblages were becoming detached in places, weakened by years of handling and shipment.
An unloved beloved element of museum collections, the frame mirrors the evolution of fashion, styles and museology; charts the history of economics, society, politics, religion and design. As it captures the eye and the light, one might notice that it too is an object of admiration and praise.
The frame protects the art it houses and, in this role, inevitably suffers damage caused by unsafe handling or shipping methods. Nevertheless, its raison d’être is to shine the spotlight on the artwork.
At the Museum, we seek to situate works in their era. The frame highlighting the object serves as a reference. To create or recreate a given historical context, there are three possible options: restore the historical frame, create a copy of the original frame or upcycle a disused frame (recovery and finishing). The chosen strategy will depend on budget, time and the moldings and frames we have in stock.
Bust-length portrait of Napoleon in ceremonial robes

Sacha Marie Levay, conservation technician, responsible for frames
Sitting inside the frame for Bust-length portrait of Napoleon in ceremonial robes, by the Workshop of François-Pascal-Simon Gérard
To assert his influence, Napoleon offered portraits of himself to his representatives. The portraits in ceremonial guard were set off by gilded wood frames, sumptuously adorned with typical symbols of empirical style: bees, bay leaves, and blossoms of honeysuckle, lotus and lily. Crowned by an imposing eagle overlooking the viewer, our work’s frame affirms the importance of the illustrious figure to the Empire.
In preparation for the exhibition Napoleon: Art and Court Life in the Imperial Palace (2018), the frame needed to be restored to its original appearance. In fact, since its creation in the early 19th century, several generations of rather inadequate interventions had caused it to lose its lustre, therefore undermining its grandiloquent mission.
Before proceeding with the treatment, we conducted a preliminary probe, which led us to uncover more than 10 layers of accumulated materials – paint, lacquers, bronze paint, gesso, bole and several coats of gilding. It also revealed that the original surface was characterized by variegations in sheen. This effect was created by the juxtaposition of gilding with gold size (in the pearls, heart-leaves and inverted cavetto molding) and burnished water gilding (twists of the bay tree branches, eagle, floral ornaments, bees and flat surfaces). The restoration effort, which took the better part of over three months’ work, enabled us to clean, smooth out and clear the heavily laden surfaces to then recreate a satisfactory gilding that did justice to the carved reliefs and the complexity of gilding of that age.
Formal gathering
This Chippendale-style Chinese frame was made in the 18th century, in the time of King George III, for the flourishing market of middle-class English collectors. These art lovers were as avid for this style of frame (prized by aristocrats) as they were for the highly fashionable Chinese art itself. To meet a growing demand for less expensive imitation luxury items, Chinese craftsmen worked quickly with affordable materials.
The frame enclosing our mirror was in fairly good condition when we acquired it, but its stability was compromised by a wide and deep fissure that cut across nearly the entire length of the upper portion. Despite a previous restoration, the crack was quite visible and was weakening the structure. Among other things, an excess of glossy glue had spilled over the fissure, spoiling the surface’s otherwise smooth and delicate appearance. Other flaws were noted, such as a loss of ornaments and the detachment of assemblages. We therefore needed to reinforce the weakened areas, ensure the integrity of the ornaments and make the surfaces uniform before exhibiting the work.
Visitors can now admire the painted mirror and its restored frame in the Asian art galleries of the Stephan Crétier and Stéphany Maillery Wing for the Arts of One World.
A few examples of works restored
Conference - Frame and Framing in Canada History and Functions
The first academic conference on framing in Canada took place in October 2014. The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts invited sixteen people (restorers, curators and scholars, as well as a framer and a gallerist) to share their experiences and expertise in this field.

Conference participants. Standing, left to right: Mathilde J. Durand (International Institute for Frame Study), Greg Humeniuk (AGO), Jacques Des Rochers (MMFA), Didier Prioul (Université Laval), Patrice Loubier (UQÀM), Élise Dubuc (Université de Montréal), Richard Gagnier (MMFA) and Daniel Drouin (MNBAQ). Sitting: Janet M. Brooke (independent curator), Anne MacKay (McCord Museum), Claude Payer (CCQ), Laurier Lacroix (UQÀM), Sacha Marie Levay (MMFA) and Charles C. Hill (former curator, NGC).
Absent when the photo was taken: Rémi Bédard, Pascale Galipeau, Alan Klinkhoff and Rosalind Pepall.
The Conservation Department section on this site is funded by the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec as part of the implementation of Measure 41 of Quebec’s Digital Culture Plan and by the Ville de Montréal under the Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal.