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The Arts of One World

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Credits and curatorial team

The Stephan Crétier and Stéphany Maillery wing is curated by Nathalie Bondil, former Director General and Chief Curator, MMFA, in collaboration with Iris Amizlev, Exhibition Concept Consultant – Arts of One World, Erell Hubert, Curator of Pre-Columbian Art, MMFA, and Laura Vigo, Curator of Asian Art, MMFA.

The MMFA also partnered with researchersDanielle Aimée Miles, MA Art History and, museology specialist; Valerie Behiery, Middle East contemporary art specialist, art historian and independent scholar; John M. Fossey, FRSC, classical archaeology specialist and emeritus Curator of Mediterranean Archaeology, MMFA; Céline Gillot, pre-Columbian art specialist and PhD; Rafah Jwejati, PhD, Middle East antique mosaics specialist; Perrine Poiron, Egyptologist and PhD candidate in Egyptology and History; Andilib Sajid, Islamic art specialist and curator; and Akiko Takesue, PhD, Japanese art specialist.

The exhibition was designed by Sandra Gagné, former Head of Exhibitions Production, MMFA.

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Stéphan Crétier et Stéphany Maillery
Gouvernement du Québec

The Arts of One World is presented by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, thanks to the outstanding support of Stephan Crétier and Stéphany Maillery.

The MMFA acknowledges the contribution of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications to the realization of this project as well as that of the Canada Council for the Arts (New Chapter program), the Government of Canada and the Conseil des arts de Montréal (Impressions artist residency). It also underscores the important collaboration of the Centre de conservation du Québec.

The MMFA thanks all of its donors who, from Frederick Cleveland Morgan onwards, have enriched the encyclopedic collection – notably including works of archaeology, world cultures and contemporary art, near and far – as well as the private and institutional lenders for their participation.

The Museum is sincerely grateful to Dr. Stephen Fichman for his support of the Asian art galleries and his enrichment of the Japanese art collection. It acknowledges the contribution of Narinder Singh and Satinder Kaur Kapany, the Sikh Foundation International (U.S.A.) and the Chadha Family Foundation. The MMFA further extends its thanks to the Clément-Frencia family, Oscar A. Pekau, Christian Thériault, the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation, the Toshiba International Foundation and the International Friends of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts for their support.

The Museum also thanks its media partners Bell, La Presse and the Montreal Gazette. In addition, the MMFA thanks all the volunteers on the acquisition committees and the Volunteer Guides for their abiding dedication, and acknowledges all its members and the many individuals, corporations and foundations – in particular the Fondation de la Chenelière, directed by Michel de la Chenelière, and Arte Musica, presided over by Pierre Bourgie – for their generosity. The Museum extends its thanks as well to the Institut du Tout-Monde.

Finally, we extend our gratitude to all those who, through their generous assistance, encouragement and support, made this project possible.

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